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Stuck on How to Budget for Family Entertainment? Here’s How

Stuck on How to Budget for Family Entertainment? Here’s How

Keeping and following a budget for family entertainment expenses is a necessary task. Staying out of debt and living within one’s means does not require a complete lack of entertainment. Instead, families should plot a budget that allows for regular outings as well as special occasions.

Saving at the Movies 

The cost of movie tickets continues to rise, but this does not mean a family should avoid regular outings at the local theater  Most theaters offer lower prices for daytime showings. Many also have rewards programs that allow families to earn points for free food and tickets. Families should inquire with their local theater about any special discounts offered to certain groups, such as students, educators, and seniors.

Dining on a Dime 

Eating out with the family doesn’t have to mean another night of fast-food hamburgers and dollar menu fries. Many restaurants seek to lure families to their establishments by offering “Kids Eat Free” nights on specific days of the week. Families can also receive steep discounts by purchasing gift cards through third party websites. Those who do not have the luxury of planning a meal out in advance can still find excellent ways to save. Skipping extras like appetizers and dessert can significantly reduce the price of the food bill. Likewise, avoid pricey drinks and instead stick to water.

Concerts for Less 

Families that choose not to take their children to concerts miss out on meaningful, often one-in-a-lifetime experiences. Concerts are actually a very typical event for major cities, often premiering start headliners at least a few times a month. If you’ve been dying to get your hands on anyone from Bob Dylan to Trey Anastasio tickets, simply buying tickets beforehand or from lesser-known ticket companies can really save you from breaking the bank.

Families can also save at concerts by deciding in advance exactly what types of items they will purchase at the venue. Many additional expenses, including paraphernalia and snacks, drive up the cost unnecessarily. Strike a deal with children, telling them that if they wish to purchase t-shirts or other items, they must save their own money in advance.

Sporting Events on a Budget 

Sporting events are some of the most popular, yet many families stay away out of fear of high prices. However, sports tickets come in all price ranges. Families should sign up for emails from their favorite teams. This will give them access to any special deals that may be advertised. Look for sports tickets online through StubHub for great deals to practically any sporting event. Often, season ticket holders will sell tickets to games they cannot attend at great bargains. Like concerts, the price of sporting events can be driven up by the food and other items that are purchased onsite. Inquire ahead of time if families can bring outside food in. Those that carry their own food and drinks can save significantly.

Free Entertainment 

Not all entertainment costs money. Families can take their children to a local park, for a hike, or can simply take a walk around their neighborhood. Invest in backyard activities, like a croquet set or a gardening plot. Anything a family does together can be fun and entertaining no matter how much or how little they spend.

Guest post by Becky W.


  1. Mary Ambrosino says

    There are often free concerts in the park or downstown so be sure to check them out.

  2. I’ve already got a lot of budget-friendly solutions for entertaining… for sports, I think that running is the best choice, you only need a great pair of shoes! Instead of the cinema, you can download the movies and watch them with your partner in bed:) and cooking together is also a great alternative for expensive restaurants!

  3. trying to entertain 3 kids of vastly different ages is even tougher. While we like to do stuff as a family it’s sometimes more manageable to have smaller outings focusing on 1 kid at a time. they get special time with mom and dad and everyone has fun
