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Happy First Anniversary UPS My Choice: Let’s Celebrate with a Twitter Party 10/3

It’s time to celebrate!

UPS My Choice has been helping shippers (and receivers) for a year – routing, tracking, rerouting, and holding deliveries all across the country.  I’ve been using it for nearly a year and I’m not sure how I ever lived with out it.  I’m not alone either since there were approximately 18 million UPS My Choice shipments in the past year.

To celebrate, @UPS is having two Twitter parties. Join them on Wednesday, October 3 to learn more about UPS My Choice and how it can help you have a hassle-free holiday. There will be a team of experts who will offer tips on how to navigate the bustling shopping and shipping season and there will be some great PRIZES as well.



The afternoon party is on Wednesday, October 3 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. EST featuring recommendations for successful holiday shopping:

HostLisa Samples(@LisaSamples)

PanelistsAlison Wright(@BeingAlison), Sarah Mock (@HowIPinchAPenny) and Cathy Herard (@CathyIsReal)

Join the evening party from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST featuring creative ways to make gift-giving stress free.

Host: Keri Lyn Renner(@SheSaved)

PanelistsAmanda Acuna(@MommyMandy), Nadia Jones (@JusticeJonesie) and Kimberly Thomas (@ValleyStreamMom)


The #CelebrateMyChoice parties will feature prize drawings every 15 minutes. They will be giving away gift cards to The UPS Store and grand prize gift baskets from Heidi’s Heavenly Cookies.

Want to win? Participate by tweeting during the parties and include the hashtag #CelebrateMyChoice.

RSVP by posting a comment and your Twitter handle on the UPS RSVP Post.  To learn more about how to participate in a twitter party read: Twitter Party 101

Disclosure: I was hired by UPS to host this party. 


  1. Happy Anniversary my wish is have a successful and good reputation to all people…
